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"Remove or Renew"

World-Class Tree Maintenance

  • 24/7 Service - High Need 

  • Medical Facilities 

  • Commercial Office/Shopping

  • Assisted Care/ Senior Living

  • Distribution 

  • Business /Office Parks

Harrisburg - Hershey - Lancaster - York - Mechanicsburg - Carlisle - Middletown - Fredericksburg


Tree Management to Meet Your Needs



There are over 1,000,000 slip and fall accidents per year in the US. The average cost of a slip and fall is approx $60,000. There are multiple cases over $10 Million Dollars. Paying more for a professional snow service can save you millions. Choose wisely



Highly skilled operators save your organization money. Team Lewis invests heavily in training prior to winter seasons to make sure our staff is educated on the quickest method to keep you safe. Higher rates that are quicker are more cost effective options. 



First impressions couldn't be more important to our clients. Keeping their grounds well maintained year-round means their patrons remained impressed.

 Client Testimonial

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We train our people, we own our own equipment. Self-performers are not middlemen and perform better. Ask us about the benefits of partnering with a self-performing contractor. 

One Provider for All Commercial Tree Care

  • Trimming

  • Pruning

  • Planting

  • Maintenance

  • Management Plans

  • Cleanup

  • Stump Removal


Great People + Great Strategy = Success! 

“Team Lewis has the best proactive communication I have ever experienced. I know what the weather is going to do better than I can watch on TV.”

Nicole, 24 Hour Facility

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